darling beauty,

tap into the Spirit of Who U R.

get to know yerSelf…

guided meditationz, visualizations heer to tune yer frequency and help u re-member yer Self home.

⋗⩺ unfolding yer Self ⩹⋖

u r heer for your own becoming

u r heer for your own Spirit. darling One raise your Self again, rise anew, follow the feeling inside of the Who of Who U R, bring your Self back online, use these tools for the potency, this magnetic power, this bright beauty and magical grace who Iz U.

yes, darling One, u will find your own way thru. u will find the bright beauty, this darling light, your daring spirit, inside. yes, darling One, u will find all of this inside. they have been heer all along. they have been heer all along; your wisdom, your grace, your beauty, this bounty of Life who Iz U, haz been heer all along.

⋗⩺ re-member Who U R ⩹⋖

darling One, all of this iz inside of U, all of this haz been U all along. darling One, do u know, do u know wut u need in every moment? do u know how to break free frum these shackles, this pain, any suffering u might be feeling? do u know how to move forward, how to dive deeper, how to open and deconstruct the Who of who u’ve been, to make way for this beauty-full, bright, bold, daring creation who Iz U?

each meditation a guided visualization in the mythical process: of welcoming your Self home; of daring to bear your Self out in the werld; of opening your Self wholly; of moving beyond and thru past stories; of taking great daring chance in Life; of re-membering your Self. theze meditations a welcome invitation into the daring, darling gracious Spirit who Iz U.

⋗⩺ enter the magnetic portal ⩹⋖

r u willing to take the steps towards that which iz yer Own freedom? r u willing to step over this threshold, to step thru this door, to enter this portal? r u willing to move beyond who U R right now, who u have become in theze lives u have lived heer on this earth? r u willing to let go who u have been, who u r right now, and move towardz Who U R, clearly move towardz Who U R?

the invitation: play along az u feel called. tap into the inner wise U, and if this feelz a fit, come play along. tune into theze melodies, theze harmonies. tune in to theze recordingz, visualizations meant to travel with u day-and-night, night-and-day; meant to be a companion for, and with, and to U, az u find your Self heer on yer Great Grand Journey.

⋗⩺ come home to yer Self ⩹⋖

play with and for and thru these recordingz in the way that feelz good and right and true for U. play with these recordingz in the exact right dose that u need at any-every-all time. darling One, do not be afraid, do not be afraid, there iz nothing to fear heer, there iz nothing to fear my dear. u know your Own Way thru. u know how to find your Own Way thru. u can find your Own Way thru. u can, and u will. darling One, u will.

this meanz no more reaching

outside of your Self for a way forwerd. this iz a coming home. this iz a coming home into your Self, down deeper into your Self. this iz a coming home deeper into your Self.

“darling One, u have arrived.”

curious and want an introduction to the meditationz?

cheerio! right this way…

cross the threshold

wander with deep curiosity

begin setting yer Self anew

dive into the mythical process

open your Self wholly

move beyond + thru past stories

build trust in a benevolent Spirit

re-member your Self

in to the gracious U

unwind frum who u’ve been

live in embodied presence

find presence in yer Life

embody the Who of Who U R

bare your Self out in the werld

take great, daring chance in Life

welcome your Self home

ready to land inside yer self?

frum our clients

questions u may have…

yes, be proud for your Self.
be proud for the werk that u continue to do for your Self.
be proud for the wayz u continue to show up for your Self, for this iz the way forwerd.

your taking such reverent care of your Self iz the way forwerd.

this iz a U to U to U to U journey. may u know it wholly. may u know it brilliantly.

may u know this place, theze wayz, this U so wholly that there iz no question, there iz no quandry, there iz no waste of Who U R, of how u co-create your Life, and of where this grand werld meets U in all of thoze places.

do u trust in the benevolence of the Great Spirit?
do u trust in the benevolence of your own Spirit?
darling One, do u trust in the benevolence of All of Life?

will u open your Self and allow all of Life to move thru u, will u open your Self and allow all of Life to move thru u?

darling One, could u be present, could u be playfull, could u find presence among this Life u call your own, among this Life u have co-created with and thru and for your Self.

darling One, this presence, your presence heer in this moment, heer in this space, heer full of grace, your presence is a gift for us all.

do u re-member… do u re-member the wayz that your presence iz a gift for us all?
have u forgotten… have u misplaced this truth somewhere on sum shelf, sum long time ago?
do u re-member the Great Grace, this giving grace, who Iz U?

do u re-member the Who of Who U R?

could u be so bold to open your Self in all of these wayz, to open your Self, thru all of your dayz, to this great magical-mystical-mythical way of Life.

yes, u playing your Great Soul Tune heer on the symphony of earth.

could u be so bold, so brave, so bounty-full in the wayz that u: show us your tune; bring your Self heer, to the edge of this threshold; wander with deep curiosity about wut iz on the other side; welcome the invitationz to cross over and begin setting yer Self anew.

this freedom, this fanciful feast, itz All fer U. yes, darling One, itz all for U.

there iz much heer for u.
there iz much heer for U.

there iz nothing to stress, or worry, or fret about. darling One, simply lay your fears, your frets, at your feet. take great pause, feel the weight in this moment, the wait of this minute. darling One, tune into your own heart, feel for your Own Way forwerd; does it feel good and right and true to play with theze recordings, theze meditationz? does it feel good and right and true to u, to the Who of Who U R, to lean in, to make way, to make waves in the Who of Who U R?

darling One, there iz no pressure heer, this iz only play. an invitation, a great invitation, a Great Grand INvitation, yes, for U to come and play with your Self. yes, darling One, with your Self: to find the wayz u have not been your Self; to discover, uncover and unlock the wayz that U R; opening and allowing this frequency of U thru all cells in your body. yes, deep in-bodiment of the Who of Who U R, theze meditationz r an invitation to deep embodiment to the Who of Who U R.

each meditation a guided visualization in the mythical process: of welcoming your Self home; of daring to bear your Self out in the werld; of opening your Self wholly; of moving beyond and thru past stories; of taking great daring chance in Life; of re-membering your Self; theze meditations a welcome invitation into the daring, darling gracious Spirit who Iz U.

shop the meditationz

darling beauty, itz U time!

meditationz deetz

get to know yer Self thru theze guided meditationz; visualizations heer to tune yer frequency and help u come home to yer Self. 💗

have sum q’s?

if yer curious and have questionz about the meditationz, use the form heer and ask away! 💫

either-any-all wayz it flowz and feelz in yer heart, thank U fer showing up fer yer Self. darling Beauty, may u re-member, once-again-again, u know. u have allwayz known.

U know.

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